Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nerang Market

Today was another great sell out day for A.K De Lish on our first day @ the Nerang Markets and yes we did make triple than what we normally would. As requested we made a few mini gourmet cupcakes which were a hit. Belgium, Carrot and Banana. Our lemon slice sold out in the first hour of trading how fantastic is that! Our chocolate treats are always a hit the ganache covered chocolate cake ball with white squiggles, decadant chocolate brownie dusted a icing sugar and of course most popular with the kiwis our take on the NZ lolly cake the lolly cake ball rolled in Aust made shredded coconut hehe well we are living here in this beautiful country and our children all have wonderful Aust ascents so we fully endorse Aust made and produced products.
Thank you to everyone for stopping to chat with us, for wanting to know what our plans are why we hadn't had a stall ages ago? Well we are here now and here to stay hoping to be a amongst the top competitors in the Aust (GC) food market which is a hard one to crack.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again this weekend Saturday morning between 6am-11am @ the Sharks Farmers Market and also Saturday morning between 6am-12pm @ the Coomear Market and Sunday 6:30am-12pm @ the Nerang Market. Don't forget with Christmas around the corner and work coming to an end we are available to cater for all your needs regardless of if it is sweet, saucy or savory. Bye for now xxx

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