Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Belgium Slice # 2

Ok so after being not so impressed with my first go at making Belgium Slice I decided to give it another go.

The results well were once again very disappointing! I really don't like how cakey and dry it turns out :( Any way a wonderful friend of mine suggested that it may need more of the good stuff added to it (you know salt and fat opps I mean butter or oil LOL).

Sooooo keep an eye out for Belgium Slice # 3. Num num people :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Belgium Slice

I love Belgium Slice! When ever I go home to NZ for a holiday I usually go to Couplands Bakery or New World to buy some.
The other day I decided I would try make some so during my internet search I came across this blog, which has the recipe on it. I doubled the recipe and also added 1tsp of ginger and brown sugar to mine.
I didn't really like how fat it turned out so I will give it another go again and change the recipe a bit. Any way here is the recipe. Happy Baking :) xx
125 g butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup of caster sugar
2 cups plain or self raising flour
1 tsp of baking powder (if using plain flour)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp mixed spice

1/2 cup sived raspberry jam

1 cup icing sugar
1 tbls butter
1/4 cup hot water (approx, use more or less)
2 tbls of raspberry cordial (you can use raspberry essence how ever I couldn't find any)
Raspberry jelly crystals

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chocolate Squiggles

Hi everyone! Well it feels like winter is almost coming to an end here in the Gold Coast in saying that we have had some heavy rain these past two days but any way it's all good for the environment and dams.

Over the winter period I have been baking a lot of muffins, banana & choc chunk, raspberry & white choc chunk, savory herb tomato & feta seem to be the fav with my family & friends :) mmmmm

I had an opportunity to make a friends mothers birthday cake in the week end. A rich red velvet cake filled with cream cheese frosting and covered in swiss buttercream, choc squiggles and purple flower like swiss butter cream decorations.

I have a few friends birthdays coming up so I can't wait to practice practice practice.

Well that's all for now, I promise to try and post more pictures when I can but really I don't like being stuck on the computer, I'd rather be in the kitchen. Happy Baking :)