Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nerang Market

Today was another great sell out day for A.K De Lish on our first day @ the Nerang Markets and yes we did make triple than what we normally would. As requested we made a few mini gourmet cupcakes which were a hit. Belgium, Carrot and Banana. Our lemon slice sold out in the first hour of trading how fantastic is that! Our chocolate treats are always a hit the ganache covered chocolate cake ball with white squiggles, decadant chocolate brownie dusted a icing sugar and of course most popular with the kiwis our take on the NZ lolly cake the lolly cake ball rolled in Aust made shredded coconut hehe well we are living here in this beautiful country and our children all have wonderful Aust ascents so we fully endorse Aust made and produced products.
Thank you to everyone for stopping to chat with us, for wanting to know what our plans are why we hadn't had a stall ages ago? Well we are here now and here to stay hoping to be a amongst the top competitors in the Aust (GC) food market which is a hard one to crack.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again this weekend Saturday morning between 6am-11am @ the Sharks Farmers Market and also Saturday morning between 6am-12pm @ the Coomear Market and Sunday 6:30am-12pm @ the Nerang Market. Don't forget with Christmas around the corner and work coming to an end we are available to cater for all your needs regardless of if it is sweet, saucy or savory. Bye for now xxx

Friday, November 19, 2010


We had another sell out day today at the Sharks Farmers Market wow GC people we are feeling the love! And every sweet product purchased helps us work towards our dream goal of owning and operating our own mums and bubs cafe. Of course we are mothers of 6 full on little boys (3 each) we work so hard to make sure their futures are prosperous ones.
So once again we thank you all very much for your support and positive feed back. Don't for get we will be at the Nerang Markets every Sunday morning as well and starting from next Saturday we will also have an extra stall (on the last Saturday of each month) at the Coomera Markets @ the Assisi College Cark Park.
Tell all your friends spread the word A.K De Lish provide sweet miniature gourmet treats at a great price! Not only do we bake home made goodies to sell @ the markets, we also make miniture shot glasses filled with chocolate moose, trifles with a twist, miniature baked pies like apple, fruit & custard, lemon meringue and mini steamed pudding just to name a few. The list goes on.
To order a sweet platter all you need to do is flick us an e mail, txt msg or give us a call tell us how much you want to spend and what goodies you would like (taste test samples available) for example 12 mini cheese cakes, 12 chocolate brownies, 5 lollie cake balls, 5 chocolate moose glass, 8 mini apple pies it's all up to you the way you want to Spoil your self sweet! Priced between $1-$3.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nerang Markets

Due to popular demand starting Sunday 21 Nov 2010 between the hours of 6.30am - 12.00pm we will also be based at the Nerang Markets situated down Levelle Street, Nerang 4211 QLD. So come and get your sweet fix on Saturday at The Sharks Farmers Market & Sunday at The Nerang Market because you deserve to "Spoil yourself Sweet" :)

Our speciality range of miniature gourmet size treats, filled cupcakes, white and dark chocolate ganache covered cupcakes, brownies, slices, coconut ice, lolly cake balls, cake balls, cheese cakes and more. All at a reasonable price between $1-$3. Where else in the Gold Coast can you find an affordable luxurious home baked treat for this price?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Function Bookings

Wow what a successful day we had @ The Sharks Farmers Market on Saturday. We sold out an hour before we were due to finish.

We are now taking bookings for work functions, birthdays, weddings, hens/bucks nights etc. Have something different like a Sweet Buffet.
We specialise in gourmet sweet miniature size treats. Mini baked cheese cakes, tarts caramel, custard & seasonal fruit etc, brownies, cake calls, mini cupcakes a huge range of flavours, mini apple pies, everything and any thing that you love we can make it all miniature size. So get your booking in early to beat the Christmas rush.

Free taste testing available every Saturday between 6am-11am @ The Sharks Farmers Market. Please call for us for a free quote Ph 0404340079. We do not charge extra for weddings ever!
Follow us on Face Book A.K De Lish.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mini Strawberry Cheese Cakes

This week we have been in the kitchen testing out some recipes for our market food stall. Awhina and I (my fabo biz partner) have been slaving for hours trying to get mixtures right so by time you get to taste them you will not be dissapointed. Keep an eye out for furture pictures of Awhinas Delish Coconut Ice mmmmmmmmmm

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Sharks Farmers Market

Read all about it, read all about it from Saturday the 6th of November 2010 between the hours of 6am-11am you will be able to find us at The Southport Sharks Football Club Farmers market. And every Satruday after that we will be at this location rain, hail and shine!

The location is on the corner of Musgrave and Olsen Avenues Soutport (entry via Melia Court). What will be selling well everything mini & sweet of course. Mini caramel tarts, mini cheese cakes, cake balls, mini cupcakes, mini slices and mini brownies just to name a few!

So come down and get your sweet fix for the day. All made from scratch with real butter, eggs and milk. Look out for our stall sign "A.K De Lish". Straight from the heart of OT brining fine food to the GC.

Spoil me Sweet 21st

WOW it has been a while since I updated my blog! I get so busy that I forget and sometimes even forget my pass word to log in to my blog spot LOL oh well, check out this sweet set that I did for a 21st birthday. This was so much fun.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Belgium Cupcakes

I said I was going to try and perfect making Belgium Slice well instead I've made Belgium Cupcakes filled with a raspberry jam & a cream cheese mixture covered in raspberry and rasberry jelly crystals frosting mmmmmmm

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Does anyone remember that poem? hehehe well no one did here because clumsy me dropped and broke the lid and to make the situation even more annoying I have only had my cookie jar for 3 days! Bummer oh well. So what you see in these pics is my fat old cookie jar tipped upside down so with some scrummy cookies stacked on top :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chocolate Caramel & Peanuts

One of my favourite combinations is chocolate, caramel and peanuts!

I so need a new camera! These pictures don't really do this little cupcake any justice but I tell you the gooey caramel in this cupcake which I made from brown sugar, butter and cream was delicious!

Friday, September 10, 2010

High Tea - Mini Tea

So tonight is the night that I catch up on my blogging or well it was non blogging so here are some pics of my sons High Tea Party - Mini Tea. And including his own vanilla butter cupcakes, covered in vanilla butter cream, topped off with a Coles animal jelly lollies. Those lollies are so nice!!!!!
These pics are 4 months old but hey I've been busy :)

Lolly Cake

Ok ok to all you kiwis so it's called Lolly Cake, well I call it lolly slice. Instead of making the cake into like a hand rolled dome shape. I decided that I'd rather prefer to have it set in my slice tin since it's just soooo much easier. For those who do not know what this slice is I'm sure after one bite you will be hooked for life hehe.

Made using malt biscuits, butter, condensed milk, coconut and fruit puffs (I'm in Aust so had to use astronauts from IGA). It is just truly scrummy, takes me back to my childhood for sure!

Cookies & Cream Cupcakes

My two boys were blessed with a baby sister a couple of weeks back woo hoo. So for a little treat they helped me make a batch of cookies & cream cupcakes for their step mother. I thought they did a pretty good job with the decorating and all. So using a basic vanilla cupcake recipe flour, baking powder, sugar, butter, milk, vanilla extract we then added crushed Oreos to the mix and Viola all done. We then made a vanilla butter cream and added more crushed Oreos to the mix, finishing off with a mini Oreo on top ahhhh just perfecto!

Picnic Cupcakes

I really enjoying making cupcakes because there are so many variations to simple recipes. Last week I made a batch for my brother in laws birthday. They were a basic chocolate cupcake mix flour, baking powder, sugar, butter, vanilla extract, milk, coco & coffee. But I added crushed peanuts and a jersey caramel in the centre. These were also covered in chocolate butter cream with a couple of rows of melted Cadburys milk chocolate added yum yum.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Belgium Slice # 2

Ok so after being not so impressed with my first go at making Belgium Slice I decided to give it another go.

The results well were once again very disappointing! I really don't like how cakey and dry it turns out :( Any way a wonderful friend of mine suggested that it may need more of the good stuff added to it (you know salt and fat opps I mean butter or oil LOL).

Sooooo keep an eye out for Belgium Slice # 3. Num num people :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Belgium Slice

I love Belgium Slice! When ever I go home to NZ for a holiday I usually go to Couplands Bakery or New World to buy some.
The other day I decided I would try make some so during my internet search I came across this blog, which has the recipe on it. I doubled the recipe and also added 1tsp of ginger and brown sugar to mine.
I didn't really like how fat it turned out so I will give it another go again and change the recipe a bit. Any way here is the recipe. Happy Baking :) xx
125 g butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup of caster sugar
2 cups plain or self raising flour
1 tsp of baking powder (if using plain flour)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp mixed spice

1/2 cup sived raspberry jam

1 cup icing sugar
1 tbls butter
1/4 cup hot water (approx, use more or less)
2 tbls of raspberry cordial (you can use raspberry essence how ever I couldn't find any)
Raspberry jelly crystals

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chocolate Squiggles

Hi everyone! Well it feels like winter is almost coming to an end here in the Gold Coast in saying that we have had some heavy rain these past two days but any way it's all good for the environment and dams.

Over the winter period I have been baking a lot of muffins, banana & choc chunk, raspberry & white choc chunk, savory herb tomato & feta seem to be the fav with my family & friends :) mmmmm

I had an opportunity to make a friends mothers birthday cake in the week end. A rich red velvet cake filled with cream cheese frosting and covered in swiss buttercream, choc squiggles and purple flower like swiss butter cream decorations.

I have a few friends birthdays coming up so I can't wait to practice practice practice.

Well that's all for now, I promise to try and post more pictures when I can but really I don't like being stuck on the computer, I'd rather be in the kitchen. Happy Baking :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

From Cupcakes in Paradise to "Simply Sweet"

Hi everyone :) I hope you have all been baking and creating this week. I have changed my blog to "Simply Sweet".

Now that is out of the way keep an eye out over the next few days as I will be creating a four layered Vanilla Butter Cake covered in caramel frosting yum yum. For now here is a picture of a cream puff filled with fresh whipped cream and covered in white choc ganache.

Cream Puff Recipe - Choux Pastry

75 g butter
1 cup water
1 cup plain baking flour
2 tsp sugar (optional)
1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
3 eggs

For detailed instructions please e mail me. Have fun :)